It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you

Dog-walking British senior citizen fighting for his life after savage attack by three Muslim teens
The 78-year-old man was walking his dog in a Luton park when he was brutally punched and kicked to the ground and left to die in a pool of his own blood.

UK Mirror (h/t David Y) He was set upon by three Asian (Muslim) teenagers who attacked him and left him lying unconscious.
Bedfordshire Police have launched an investigation. Detective Sergeant Tom Hamm said: “The victim is in a stable condition in hospital having suffered a fractured jaw and a bleed to the brain.
“This was a very serious assault and we are asking anybody who was in Wardown Park between 1pm and 4pm to contact us if they saw this incident or the three Muslim youths in the park before or after the attack took place.” The teenagers were described as dark haired, skinny, around 5ft 7ins and aged between 15 and 17.

75 comments on “Dog-walking British senior citizen fighting for his life after savage attack by three Muslim teens”
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God help the British if either he or Labour get bsck in.
In the UK We now live in strange Police like state. If UKIP do not win then I think BNI may get banned, the left they are itching to enforce islamophobia laws.
Its a protection racket, they do the same in all of our cities they heavily infest. If you become a muslime and follow the absurd delusions of prophet mohammed the child molester (may monkey poo be upon him) then they leave you alone, try walking around Manningham Bradford as a Non Muslim you will soon be accosted by a gang of these interbred subhumans, if they find you are Jewish then you will get beaten up . They also target the old with no family and are vulnerable and lonely. There are a few old single men some ex homeless that have become muslime that I know of, they get support and company in their loneliness in return they sell their souls to islam and join the cause.
Islam; a misunderstood, peaceful, non-violent religion?
ISIS behead four children in Iraq after they refuse to convert to Islam
Help Liberty GB leader Paul Weston get elected MP for Luton, England!
Why to let thesevbarbarians come here from the start .
This coward PM will not understand unless one of his family is the victim
The solution is remove the left and these issues go away. How? In Europe it’s happening and people waking up- slowly. In the USA you have only one party so things cannot change! I hope they do !
Just wait until Dec. 24th, when the UN’s Small Arms treaty goes into effect.
Politicians dont care a bit about the indigenous population. The left have a lot of blood on their hands.
“The English as a race are not worth saving!”
Should have been a couple of attack dogs.
We can guarantee that there will be a media blackout on this. Could you imagine the outcry if it was an elderly muslim man attacked?
Our great country is sliding inexorably towards civil war unless people wake up to the truth of this vile political cult masquerading as a religion.
just checked the Luton Police facebook page to see if there was an update on the old man’s condition, nothing about that, but he was walking a small dog.
There’s a lot of crime reports on the site, about 20% by “Asian Youths,”
of course there’s the usual comments, “just because they’re Asians, don’t mean they’re Muslims etc.
As well as ” they were only seen in the park, not doing the crime, blah, blah, blah.
In David Cameron’s view the British will have to succumb to the barbarians. That makes him either an evil or a totally ignorant man. Either way, he should not be in the position he is in. With political leaders like him, we don’t need enemies.
I’ll bet your left nut Dave, that this won’t be called a hate crime.
Another innocent death you are responsible for – your incarceration IS imminent !
!. David you are guillty of Assisting and Enabling islam’s Muhammadans invade the UK.
2. David you have/been/are observed (by many millions of UK subjects and the rest of the world) knowingly being performing acts of Treason and Sedition against The UK and its Citizens.
This makes me so angry ; these runts are such evil cowards attacking a defenceless old man, and probably from behind. I so wish that Brits would wake up and start fighting back against the criminals that will soon be taking over what used to be our country, unless the politicians actually start to do their duty and protect us.
These 3 skinny teenagers would run for their lives if attacked by one or two able-bodied and extremely angry British men. They would be whimpering and crying for their mothers.
You’re absolutely correct but there is no excuse for the British not to know Paul Weston and Liberty GB. I am not British and don’t live in Britain but I know Paul Weston, he is a true patriot, a hero. The British and all decent freedom loving people of the world must wake up and fight back that evil which unfortunately has contaminated our societies.
By the way, I come across snakes on a regular basis, I keep away if I can and they leave me alone, but with Muslims it’s a different scenario, they won’t leave you alone until you submit to them. Islam is fascism at its best, it’s evil and it has to be made illegal. People in the West should read the quran and mohamed’s biography, then maybe they’ll wake up. We have to be educated on this subject and BNI is doing an excellent job.